
Status: Built

My quantizer is based on an Arduino Nano, which reads four input voltages and quantizes them into four outputs based on 12 root pitches and 12 different musical modes.  The quantization switch changes the behavior between

  • Rounding the signal to the nearest pitch (which results in unequal weighting for pitches which are a semi-tone apart)
  • Using equal weighting for each pitch, which allows scales to be played with equal note duration when fed with a LFO or gradually changing voltage source
  • Using note weightings based on popular music, so the root, fifth and third are more likely to be played when fed with random voltages

The quantized note for each input is shown on a seven segment display.

The module is based on an Arduino Nano, with a MCP6004 acting as a input buffer to provide voltage protection for the Arduino.  The Arduino drives a MCP4728 to provide the voltage outputs, and a MAX7219 is used to drive the 7 segment displays.

Future Improvements

  • I would like to change the quantization switch to be a potentiometer,  so that the user can chose blends between each of the three modes.


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