Category: Modules

  • Voltage Controlled Oscillator

    Status: Built My voltage controlled oscillator is based on Mortiz Klein’s designs for a VCO combined with the saw wave to triangle wave converter that he uses as part of his wavefolder. The core of the oscillator is based around a 40106 Schmidt Trigger Inverter. Linear to exponential conversion of the control voltage is performed…

  • Joystick Controller

    Status: Unbuilt Looking at joysticks online, I thought it would be fun to use a joystick to create a 2 axis controller. The two axes could be used to either pan between +5V and -5V as a CV source, or pan between two inputs allowing it to be used as an audio mixer. Two switches,…

  • CV Generator

    Status: Unbuilt

  • Reverb

    Status: Unbuilt

  • Clock

    Status: Built A clock and clock divider, built around an Arduino Nano. The settings are controlled by a rotary encoder and are displayed on a three digit seven segment display, controlled by a MAX7219 display driver chip. The clock has inputs for an external clock and to reset the clock divider which are both buffered…

  • Shift Register Sequencer

    Status: Built My shift register sequencer is a clone of Music Thing Modular’s Turing Machine. The sequencer is based around two 4015 shift registers which are connected to a DAC0800 digital to analog converter.  A knob on the front allows the user to select between looping the shift register, sending random inputs to the shift…

  • Lorenz Attractors

    Status: Built The lorenz attractors are a dual version of Sloth Chaos by Nonlinear Circuits. Each board has two chaotic low frequency oscillators each with two outputs.  The outputs are loosely related, they tend to go high or low together, but often to different extents. The cycle time of each output, between high and low,…

  • Power Supply

    Status: Built My power supply is based on the Erica Synths mki x es.EDU Power Supply. I created a 6 HP rack mount clone so I could bring the power switch and status LEDs forward to the front of the rack. Why hide the blinkenlights inside the case? The design is centered around a 12…