Lorenz Attractors

Status: Built

The lorenz attractors are a dual version of Sloth Chaos by Nonlinear Circuits. Each board has two chaotic low frequency oscillators each with two outputs.  The outputs are loosely related, they tend to go high or low together, but often to different extents.

The cycle time of each output, between high and low, can be coaxed a bit by the potentiometer or control voltage. The impact of these changes is likewise unpredictable.

By using different resistor and capacitor values the cycle time can be changed from 15 seconds at the fast end to 90 minutes on the slow end.  I’ve built two modules which gives me four attractors with the following cycle times:

  • 15 seconds
  • 90 seconds
  • 15 minutes
  • 90 minutes

In patches I tend to use these for slow modulation of filters or waveshaping to get organically evolving sounds.


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